
Software Engineer _
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About Me

Hi, I'm Dmitriy, a Software Engineer and 3rd year Computer Science student at the University of Toronto! In 2021 I received the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, a full-ride four-year scholarship, thanks to my consistent record of academic success, achievement, and breadth of interest. While I am most comfortable delivering solutions in Java, Python, Springboot, FastApi, ReactJS, SQL Server, MongoDB, and Azure, I'm always trying to learn something new, whether that be a new technology, framework, or hobby. In my free time I'm the team captain of a recreational basketball team, and I enjoy playing guitar, cooking, reading, and video games. Feel free to check out my resume for more details about my experience, or contact me.

Research Assistant | UofT Computational Social Science Lab

February 2023 - Present
Python FastAPI MongoDB Docker NginX REST APIs
I'm currently a Research Assistant at the Computational Social Science Lab at the University of Toronto, where I design and implement the back-end for the Maia Chess project. Maia is a human-like chess AI that has become one of the most played-against chess bots one of the world's largest chess platforms, Lichess. I'm now helping build a completely new chess platform around Maia to give players new ways to play against their favorite AI, while providing the Maia team with the data they need to train and improve Maia even more.

Software Developer Co-op | Royal Bank of Canada

May 2023 - Aug 2023
Java Spring Boot MS SQL Server Azure Elasticsearch Kafka REST APIs Microservices Agile
I was recently a Software Developer Co-op at the Royal Bank of Canada in U.S Cash Management (USCM). Here, I worked with a talented Agile team of developers on creating a completely new cloud-native payments and transactions platform. RBC describes USCM as "an RBC backed start-up" to "deliever fully digitized, end-to-end financial services".

Research Assistant | UofT Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

November 2021 - May 2023
Python Selenium BeautifulSoup4 CSVs
For over a year and a half I was a Research Assistant at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). At OISE, I developed a multitude of web-scraping and database formatting tools to advance research on university sustainability metrics. In support of my work, I was awarded one of UofT's foremost undergraduate research awards worth $7500.

Software Engineer Co-op | PointClickCare

September 2022 - December 2022
Java Spring Boot MS SQL Server Azure Terraform Kafka Helm OAuth REST APIs MicroservicesAgile
As a Software Engineer Co-op at PointClickCare, I worked on cloud-native microservices tied to an ETL data pipeline for sensitive healthcare and research data.

My Portfolio

Distributed Cloud Compute Framework

Java Spring Boot Kubernetes Docker PostgreSQL Kafka REST APIs

A scalable distributed computing framework tailored for the cloud. Supports uploading, mounting, and processing custom containerized jobs on a Kubernetes-based distributed compute system. Built with horizontal scalability in-mind. Check out the Github to see architectural diagrams and run the framework!

Music Visualizer

Java Spring Boot React.js p5.js Docker Azure Netlify REST APIs

A web app for playing and visualizing music files. Supports drag-and-drop, and uploading and downloading files to a shared server repository.

Android Venue Booker

Java Android Studio Firebase

Led a team of 5 as scrum master to develop a CRUD Android application for creating and booking venues and events. Supports both normal and admin users with a different set of permissions for venue creation, editing, and deletion. Developed in Android Studio and integrated with the Firebase Realtime Database and Authentication APIs.


Python Sublime Plugin API

A Python plugin for the Sublime Text 4 IDE with 60+ users that streamlines development. Allows developers to query searches to common search engines from within Sublime, and opens a browser to return results. Deployed to Sublime Package Control.

HTV5 Computer Vision Presentation Gestures

Python OpenCV2 MediaPipe

A gesture recognition tool created during the Hack The Valley 5 Hackathon. The tool recognizes a set of gestures and movements that allow users to control presenations while removed from their keyboard. Control slides from a distance and be more engaging!

Poodle Jump

Assembly MIPS32 Python

A scrolling platformer written in Assembly for MIPS32 based systems. Complete with custom Physics logic, animations, and sprite display systems. Includes a Python converter for pixel art to a custom assembly array format I created. Inspired by Doodle Jump.

Course Website

Flask SQLite Python Bcrypt Heroku HTML CSS JS

Deisgned and created a course website in a team of 3, implementing a secure backend user registration and authentication system, as well as grading and feedback systems on a Flask and SQLite backend.

Comment Webscrapers

Python BeautifulSoup Selenium

A number of web scrapers for a research project on comments under political media in high school. While all data collection was complete for 300,000+ comments, the project was later discontinued.

Contact Me

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